Multimedia Application Overhaul
Dell Technologies is a tech company with a focus on the sale of personal computers, software, network and data solutions and various related products and services. Dell’s consumers consist of and range from the average computer user to corporate businesses, government and educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, healthcare organizations, and small to medium-sized businesses.s.
To protect the privacy of the company, I’ve limited and omitted some information and images in this case study.
Dell Technologies
Product Design, Prototyping, Usability Testing
Lead Product Designer, Self Service Team
The Video Support Library was a crucial self-service tool for Dell users, offering access to thousands of support videos. However, the existing library faced several challenges, including inconsistent search functionality and outdated design. The redesign aimed to modernize the interface, improve usability, enhance overall user satisfaction, and improve engagement ratings.
Revamp the outdated and inconsistent Dell Video Library experience, improving search functionality and user navigation under strict budgetary and technical constraints.
- Design an engaging experience for highly experimental customers
- Showcase the variety and versatility of their products
- Create a content hub where plant-curious customers can learn more about the brand and discover new ways to use their products
To address these challenges, we implemented a streamlined, user-centric design with enhanced search capabilities, a more intuitive interface, and curated content, ensuring a modern and efficient video support experience:
- Advanced Search Algorithms: Implemented to prioritize relevant results and improve search accuracy.
- User-Friendly Interface (MFE): Developed to make browsing and selecting products more intuitive.
- Curated Content Sections: Introduced sections for trending and recently published videos to keep content engaging and up-to-date.
Kicking Off & The Process
As the lead designer, I initiated a planning session to kick off the Video Support Library project. Collaborating with the project manager, we would gather stakeholders, and cross-functional team members, including the development team to identify key roles. Over the course of several sessions, we conducted a thorough discovery phase to analyze the data and performance scores that were driving this overhaul. We could then define the problem, identify our user needs, and chart our course on what we can determine as successes and what could be our setbacks. From there, we established a clear timeline for milestones or effective MVPs that would support our efforts.
Discovery & Observations
In a bid to enhance the support video library experience for Dell users, I began by conducting an initial heuristic evaluation and analyzing previous user interactions and feedback to identify key pain points and areas for improvement on the landing page and the video details page. This thorough analysis, supported by affinity mapping and the creation of user personas, revealed that users often struggled to locate relevant videos due to inconsistent search functionality, endless scrolling, and the lack of sorting or filtering options. Additionally, the design of the video details page further hindered efficiency and compounded user confusion, leading to overall user frustration and site inefficiency.
After this comprehensive analysis, I initiated a discovery session with stakeholders and the project team to gather deeper insights into the product and user needs. Through this collaborative exploration, we were able to identify and define problem areas, create potential opportunities, and develop solutions. These ideas were then refined and prioritized based on feasibility, impact, and alignment with user needs.
Ideate & Explore
Iterations & Testing
Final Designs & Impact
The redesign of Dell’s Video Support Library led to measurable improvements in user engagement and satisfaction:
- 32.0K Weekly Traffic, up from 24.3K, demonstrating increased user engagement.
- 62.2% CSAT, an improvement from 61.4%, indicating higher customer satisfaction.
- 51.07% Purpose Completion, reflecting better ease of use and overall user satisfaction.
Lessons Learned
This project underscored the importance of clear communication, collaboration, and maintaining focus on the end goal. By aligning our efforts with a North Star vision and prioritizing essential features, we successfully delivered a product that met both user needs and business goals, even within the constraints we faced.
This project is currently live. View Dell’s Video Library here.